Best practices for guided selling solutions AI Powered embedded product quizzes are interactive questionnaires that help customers find products that meet their specific needs and preferences. These quizzes can cover a wide range of product categories, from clothing and accessories to home goods and electronics. One...

Best practices for XML structure Let's find answers to questions such as how the ideal XML format we use in Product Finder content types should be, what should be added, which attribute should be used! What is Product Finder / Product Quiz? Product Finder is a Poltio content...

Guided selling solutions In this era of rapid digital transformation, consumer behavior in the retail industry has significantly shifted. The rise of e-commerce has revolutionized shopping by providing unprecedented convenience and accessibility. However, despite the benefits, many consumers still value the in-store experience and the ability...

E-commerce guided selling is a sales strategy that involves guiding customers through a product selection process using automated tools and technology. This approach offers several advantages such as increased customer engagement, reduced shopping basket abandonment rates and improved conversion rates. Thus, it is becoming increasingly...

Recommendation Quiz as a Data Source A recommendation quiz is a high-quality source for collecting customer data. There's a strong, mutually beneficial value exchange (time vs. personalized recommendation): Customers voluntarily share detailed information about themselves with the brand in order to get a better product recommendation. Quality...

Best practices for e-commerce personalization E-commerce personalization plays a crucial role in getting to know your customers better and providing them with the best possible experience. Personalization can help you understand your customers' preferences and details, such as their shopping habits, purchase history, and demographics. By...