Why should customers bother answering your questions? A great way to get to know your customers better is by getting them to answer questions about themselves. We call this self-identified data, also referred to as declared data. (Check out our article on different data types: A...

Customer Experience We believe excellent customer experience starts with understanding and engaging your users. With that in mind, we prepared the CX Challenge on Poltio. Take the Quiz to test your customer experience knowledge and compete with fellow experts. To sweeten the deal, we'll be rewarding the...

4 Tips & Software Adaptations To Take Your Customer Relationship to Next Level Engage with and Learn From Your Customers: Self Identification of Customer Segments with Zero Party Data Brand-Loyal customers convert and spend more likely. Customer loyalty strategy has become a key factor for growth...

Zero party data: 5 easy steps Our simple guide will explain the 5 steps of creating detailed segments of your email list on MailChimp by matching users with a unique user ID and collecting declared data using Poltio's audience engagement platform. Email marketing strategies to significantly...

10 tips for creating engaging, interactive content to gather zero party data This guide will explain how to adopt a zero party data strategy through engaging, interactive content such as quizzes, tests, or polls for successful consumer data collection marketing campaigns.In our previous post, we explained...

Case study: Creating engaged communities This case study will provide insights into a real-life customer engagement example of an event venue’s success with adopting a customer engagement and declared data strategy. Drom, a live music venue in New York City, started leveraging customer data through Poltio’s...

Expert tips for capturing data Data is one of the most valuable assets a company has. We covered different data types for marketing in our previous post. Although behavioural data is a great source, using behavioural data alone for personalisation is far from enough. This...

A simple guide to data types for marketing: All you need to know In today's digital age, marketing needs to be data-driven to be effective. You should be familiar with the types of marketing data that you can use to improve your communication with customers. Our...